Web Freedom vs. Accountability

Sne Prasad Alam
Dec 31, 2020


Media Platform — The New Norm

The age of the internet may be a new part of modern life for many people around the world; however, there the upcoming generation Z, including myself, are native to this digital world. In this talk for IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Communication Society (ComSoc technical committee) on 21 of December 2020, I discussed the inadvertent dangers of the expansion of the internet. I highlight algorithmic discrimination, content moderation, gig economy & urban infrastructure, and double logic platformization. These are topics that address the grey area between web freedom and who/what if anything is accountable for these negative side effects. These dangers I highlight are not for the purpose to stop technological advancement but rather encourage a holistic approach to technology so that it may benefit everyone.



Sne Prasad Alam

Bachelor student at University of Amsterdam. Studying Political Science and Media & Information.